-mhg- Custom Quests Pack (2025)

-!!check sticky post for overview of updates!!-


-Every single monster (except kulve) have their own 1-monster quest that can take place in an arena, or the monsters habitat. Featuring no invader monsters.
-Lots of the "good" Capcom quests brought up in difficulty slightly to be more challenging. ex: the crown music marathons, DMC quests, megaman quest
-Rewards that are fair, with over 100 different reward droptables, feystones, melding fuel, and much more in fair amounts which grow larger the harder the quest is, with unique monsters like Behemoth and Leshen always rewarding their layered armor items.
(Now has an option to lower the feystone drop rate even further in downloads)
-ALL monsters except Kulve Taroth have some 2 forms of extra difficulty, A hard and Very Hard version.
-Behemoth and Ancient Leshen quests balanced around 2-player Difficulty with 1, 2, and 4 player scaling just like all the other quests
-A new Safi'jiiva fight that dies in one run and rewards dracolite for the melder, scales with 1, 2, and 4 players. A good alternative to when the Siege rotates out or if you seek a challenge and already have the melder options unlocked from the official quest.

-Plenty of fun and interesting custom quests including
>5 Rajangs in the special arena in an all-out brawl with you in the middle
>A Savage Deviljho fight where he uses 4 other monsters as weapons, with a surprise guest
>A truly fearsome version of the Alatreon fight which is EXTREMELY tough to solo, and still a challenge in multiplayer
>Two Raging Brachydios in the arena at the same time
>Quests in the Guiding Lands that reward rare Guiding Bones and Ores
>Lots of quests with Alatreon, Behemoth, and other monsters outside of their normal arenas or even 2 at once

>A quest with a Jagras who has Millions of HP, but you deal thousands of damage to it per swing

>A Bloodborne quest where you fight Shara Ishvalda and Nergigante in the red of a blood moon
>NEW in 4.0! Lots of fights have their speeds changed slightly. Some old quests got a slight change but new Master Rank 3 category fights will be a challenge for even veterans

>plenty of quests with muscle monkey madness' staggered spawning style, fight a normal Glavenous to 1/4th HP until his friend Acidic Glavenous shows up
>A LOT of multi-monster quests for insanely chaotic battle-royale style fights in the arena, best played in multiplayer but also very possible to do in solo thanks to the custom MP scaling included with the quests (a few stolen straight out of Rise and GU)
>Challenging marathon quests similar to Capcom's crown music quests, earn crowns from monsters that normally appear in the vanilla crown quests, you will run up right to the 50-minute timer if you go too slow in some of these.
>Quests with unique weather functions enabled so the map they take place on looks extremely darkened, like the sun has been blocked
and plenty of other hectic multi-monster quests, all with lowered defense from 10-100% to make them more interesting

>An EXTREMELY challenging version of Fatalis as well as a version with 4player permanent scaling, grab some friends for these, you will need all the help you can get
Every single quest has re-balanced stats so they aren't pushovers, but still a fair challenge with Custom supply boxes, plenty of supplies and ammo, with attack and HP/partbreak values built around having Fatalis weapons and mostly upgraded armor. Attacks designed not to be able to one-shot anyone using melee, gunners might need to be careful or take matters into their own hands. https://www.nexusmods.com/monsterhunterworld/mods/5630

Customized Multiplayer Modifier that only affects the quests that were added, now just having 4 players in your quest doesn't automatically make it easier, HP scaling is even higher than anything possible in vanilla while still feeling good in my opinion, as well as appropriately increased partbreak damage and mounting buildup. Exhaust turned up to 9.0x from 1.0x so that monsters now exhaust even less. (This does not mean clutch claw stagger)
This new multiplayer modifier is modified from an un-used Capcom value, it does not affect any Capcom quest and will not affect any other modded quests other than the ones in this download, removing the file will cause certain multi-monster quests to have no multiplayer scaling.
In any quest with 3 monsters in the arena at a time the monsters get a 4% damage buff in duo scaling and an 8% buff in 3/4 scaling to make up for the fact that you have teammates to help you, they still do not one-shot melee users even with this bump in damage.

Rewards are plentiful without being insanely generous, each quest rewards a few of the highest rarity feystones, with the chance to earn many other rewards useful for keeping your supplies up as well as research points. The harder versions of single-monster fights drop guiding lands tempered drops for that monster at the end of the quest. High Rank Monsters reward lots of research points for carving them. And plenty of other goodies like melding materials and Research Commission Tickets+ to make that grind easier, along with armor spheres, steamworks fuel, and rare fishing scales. A HUGE variety of goodies to grab, double check a quest description for a bit of extra info on special quests like Guiding Lands marathons. -- https://pastebin.com/hf1u75eu --
Now with an extra optional download that lowers the quantities of items for MOST quests, for those who would like to extend the decoration grind
The chances to get a stack of 101 dung are low, but they are never zero.

The Capcom quests have the random size for monsters enabled so you can get crowns from them still such as crowns from the music-marathon quests in the locales. But new quests added in the arena and locales for single-monster fights all have fixed sizes along with all the custom quests, so

you will not ruin your Guild Log with any insane sizes.
The only anomaly that will show up on your guild card will be Master Rank research levels for High Rank monsters that would normally cap at HR levels. This is purely cosmetic and does not affect your save in the slightest.
Categories are split into 3 sections based on the in-game "threat level" for tempered monsters
4-star MR holds all single-monster quest in locales for the Hard/Very Hard monsters.
5-star MR holds all quests with threat level 1+2
6-star MR holds any quest featuring any threat level 3 monster

Want to play it with your friends? If you both have the same pack installed you can enjoy all of these in multiplayer! It even has customized scaling so that monsters don't get stunlocked as easy in 4-player and have much higher HP/partbreak values.
any quest with 3 or more monsters on the field AT THE SAME TIME will crash your game if you try to join in progress, either join at the beginning of these chaotic quests from the hub or don’t join at all, it’s a game engine issue and beyond my ability to solve :(

This mod does NOT affect your vanilla game quests or monsters in ANY WAY!
It only affects the new quests that were added. Even the new speed modifier only affects Custom Quests.


https://imgur.com/a/wlymSHb <--- Follow this picture guide to install the pack if you don't know how to mod

For people that understand how to install mods, simply Install Stracker's Loader, and the Plugin/Performance extender then drag n' drop the Nativepc from this mod into your MHW Directory.

Alternatively, the MHW Mod Manager works quite well for this if you are a beginner to modding your game, just download this, start it up, copy+paste the MHW Steam Directory's address from your Windows File Explorer, and drag+install the mods as you like.




This quest pack does not clash with any other quest on nexusmods, it uses 6 digit quest IDs so it likely never will conflict with anything uploaded in the future also, it also uses .sobj ID 69 for monsters appearing outside their normal areas which I haven't seen used elsewhere.
some monsters will have a "roaring glitch" if you overwrite the .alnk files from another quest pack.

Many thanks to all the bros who helped come up with some fun ideas, as well as all the helpful people in the MHW modding Discord for all their help with .sobj and the values for a lot of the stuff used in the pack, very helpful if you are willing to learn any of this. Many helpful guides and people alike.
https://discord.gg/gJwMdhK Join here!


- ICE server

Shoutout to Fexty for the Speed Plugin (and help with maintenance and updates)
Big Thanks to Fandirus for his work on Raging Brachydios
Thanks to everyone in the MH Modding Discord that has helped me with misc. files over the months
Thanks to all the Hunters who download this and play it, your feedback has been great!

https://pastebin.com/45byMQzE - List of all the custom quest IDs used, should any other modders want to reverse engineer it or tweak the values themselves!

Have fun!
Let me know what you think of the mod! Feedback and telling me of any bugs you find (if any) would be awesome, also any user-submitted photos or videos are welcome!

-mhg- Custom Quests Pack (2025)
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Author: Barbera Armstrong

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Name: Barbera Armstrong

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Introduction: My name is Barbera Armstrong, I am a lovely, delightful, cooperative, funny, enchanting, vivacious, tender person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.